First steps
1) Start with some introductory texts on Social Network Analysis
Among the general HNR articles in the Bibliography , Scott Weingart's blog post series "Networks Demystified " and Claire Lemercier's article "Formal network methods in history " are particularly...
HNR Conference Guidelines
This document describes the Conference Guidelines for the annual international HNR conference. It provides information about conference planning and administration and should be of particular value as a set of guiding principles and best...
HNR Conferences
Since 2013 we have expanded the traditional workshop format into a classical conference format including pre-conference workshops. Below a list of past events.
If you are interested in hosting a HNR conference, please check our conference guidelines...
GrapHNR 2023
Graphs and Networks in the fourth dimension –
time and temporality as categories of connectedness
Joint conference of the HNR community
and Graphs & Networks in the Humanities
18.–21.07.2023, Mainz
GrapHNR 2023, a joint conference of the His...
Historical Networks – Réseaux Historiques – Historische Netzwerke conference 2021
The Historical Network Research community and the group Réseaux et Histoire (ResHist) are very pleased to announce the call for papers for the Historical Networks – Réseaux Historiques – Historische Netzwerke conference which will take place at the U...
HNR Conference 2020 in Luxembourg
The Historical Network Research community is very pleased to announce the call for papers for the next Historical Network Research conference which will take place at the University of Luxembourg, from Wednesday 17 until Friday 19 June 2020. The conference...
HNR Conference 2018 in Brno
We are very happy to announce the call for papers for this year's Historical Network Research Conference in Brno. For details please check the conference website at
HNR Conference 2017 in Turku
Call for Contributions for the Historical Network Research Conference 2017
University of Turku, Finland
17-18 October 2017 (pre-conference workshops)
19-20 October 2017 (conference)
The Historical Network Research group is pleased to announce...
HNR Conference 2015 in Lisbon
We are absolutely thrilled to announce this year's Historical Network Research Conference from 15-18 September 2015. The conference is organized and chaired by
Maria Fernanda Rollo— director, IHC (Institute of Contemporary History, Lisbon, UNL-FCSH)
Manuel He...
HNR Conference 2014 in Ghent
Ghent University, Belgium, 15-19 September.
Organized by Christophe Verbruggen and his team, this conference and specialist course followed up the Future of Historical Network Research (HNR) Conference 2013 and brought together scholars from all historical...
HNR Conference 2013 in Hamburg
For this conference we brought together more than 50 scholars from all historical disciplines as well as computer scientists to discuss the future of our emerging field. Below you will find our concept for the conference as well as the programme.
HNR Lunch Lectures
From January 2021 onwards, monthly online lectures will shed a spotlight on recent research and ideas from the field of historical network analysis to promote discussion among the HNR community. If possible, the lectures will be recorded and made available...
HNR Special Events
HNR Special Events deal with networks and the historical domain but don't quite fit in the HNR Workshop Series or the HNR Conference Series and have therefore received their own label.
Please get in touch if you are interested in organising a HNR Special...
Network Analysis and the Cultural Heritage Sector
Workshop: Network Analysis and the Cultural Heritage Sector, 8 June 2016, Luxembourg
8 June 2016, Luxembourg
In partnership with DH Benelux, CVCE DH Lab
Networks, network metaphors and network visualisations are everywhere. In...
Tagung "Graphentechnologien. Neue Perspektiven für die Digital Humanities"
19.-20.01.2017 in der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur | Mainz
Graphdatenbanken haben sich in den letzten Jahren als vielseitige Werkzeuge für die Modellierung, Speicherung und Repräsentation von komplexen geisteswissenschaftlichen D...
The 13th Workshop in Mainz on Time and Space
The 13th edition of the HNR workshop series is organized by Aline Deicke (ADW Mainz), Dr. Lieve Donnellan (Aarhus University) and Dr. Henrike Rudolph (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg).
The workshop has its on blog , below we keep a...
The 1st Workshop in Cologne on Visualization
12.12.2009 – 13.12.2009 at the NS-Dokumentationszentrum Cologne
by Verena Kücking also available at HSOZKULT:
In den letzten Jahren hat die Analyse und Darstellung von Netzwerken ein zunehmendes Interesse auch unter Historikern un...
The 2nd Workshop in Essen on Sources
29.05.2010 – 30.05.2010 at the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen
by Daniel Reupke available at HSOZKULT
Am 29. und 30. Mai 2010 fand im Kulturwissenschaftlichen Institutes (KWI) der Metropoluniversität Ruhr in Essen or...
The 4th Workshop in Saarbrücken on Space
26.5.2011 – 28.5.2011 at the University of Saarbrücken
by Ines Heisig also available at HSOZKULT:
Die theoretischen, methodischen und technischen Möglichkeiten der Anwendung der Sozialen Netzwerkanalyse innerhalb der Geschichtswissenschaften und...
The 5th Workshop in Zurich at the Conference “Applications of Social Network Analysis (ASNA)”
13.9.2011 at the University of Zurich
Programme of the fifth Workshop
The 6th Workshop in Dresden on HNR-specific challenges
18.-20.5.2012 at Militärhistorisches Museum der Bundeswehr Dresden
by Martin Skoeries, also available on HSOZKULT:
Von der Tücke des Objekts – Werkstattgespräche zu theoretischen und methodischen Herausforderungen in der Historischen Netz...
The 7th Workshop in Munich on Data extraction and modeling
Institut für Bayerische Geschichte und vergleichende Landesgeschichte, 16.11.2012-18.11.2012, München, Ludwigstr. 14, 80539 München
Download the program here
The 8th Workshop in Berlin: From texts to networks and back
Berlin, 5. – 6. April 2014, Ort: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft, Am Kupfergraben 5, 10117 Berlin
Call for Papers
Vom Text zum Netzwerk und zurück. Über die Wechselwirkungen im historischen Forsc...
The 9th Workshop in Bochum on Text Mining
10.–12. April 2015
Call for Papers and Participation: Vom Schürfen und Knüpfen – Text Mining und Netzwerkanalyse für Historiker_innen
Programme and additional information
In vielen Geisteswissenschaften – etwa in Religions-, Geschichts-, Sprach- ...
The 10th workshop in Düsseldorf on networks in the history of knowledge, science and technology
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt / Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, Lehrstuhl für Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit:
Dr. Tobias Winnerling / Florian Kerschbaumer
28.04.2016-30.04.2016, Düsseldorf, Haus d...
The 11th Workshop in Augsburg on stories and structures
Call for Papers
Stories und Strukturen: Faktuale und fiktionale Texte in der Historischen Netzwerkforschung
25.-26. Mai 2017 an der Universität Augsburg
Prof. Dr. Hanno Ehrlicher, Institut für Spanien, Portugal- und Lateinamerikastudien (...
The 12th Workshop in Bremen on Communication
Call for Papers 12. HNR-Workshop „Historische Netzwerkforschung“ „Kommunikation in Netzwerken – Netzwerke der Kommunikation. Thematische, methodische und theoretische Perspektiven historischer Netzwerkanalyse zwischen Geschichts- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
20- 2...
HNR Newsletters
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Recent newsletters:
Older newsletters:
The Future of HNR Conference – Report
By Florian Kerschbaumer, University of Klagenfurt, Martin Stark, University of Hamburg, Ulrich Eumann, NS Dokumentationszentrum Köln, Marten Düring, Centre virtuel de la conaissance sur l’Europe, Linda von Keyserlingk, Militärhistorisches Museum der ...
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