HNR Bibliography

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Network Analysis in the Historical Sciences

By date of publication (descending)

Mesquita, Rafael, and Antonio Pires. 2024. “Jurisprudence in Hard and Soft Law Output of International Organizations: A Network Analysis of the Use of Precedent in UN Security Council and General Assembly Resolutions.” Artificial Intelligence and Law, August.
Holzscheiter, Anna, Thurid Bahr, Laura Pantzerhielm, and Martin Grandjean. 2024. “Positioning among International Organizations: Shifting Centers of Gravity in Global Health Governance.” International Studies Quarterly 68 (2): sqae073.
Galambos, Kevin. 2024. “Military Exercises and Network Effects.” International Studies Quarterly 68 (1): sqae004.
Beyer, Meike. 2024. “Geisteswissenschaften.” In Handbuch Netzwerkforschung, edited by Christian Stegbauer and Roger Häußling, 1–13. Netzwerkforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.
Öner, Onur. 2023. “Mapping the Links: Network Perspectives on Musician Communities of Late Ottoman Istanbul.” Kadim, no. 6 (October): 131–47.
Ahnert, Ruth, and Sebastian E. Ahnert. 2023. Tudor Networks of Power. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
Zamani, Maryam, Hassan El-Hajj, Malte Vogl, Holger Kantz, and Matteo Valleriani. 2023. “A Mathematical Model for the Process of Accumulation of Scientific Knowledge in the Early Modern Period.” Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10 (1): 1–10.
Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna, and Tarrin Wills. 2023. “Sagas and Genre: A Case for Application of Network Analysis to Manuscripts Preserving Old Norse-Icelandic Saga Literature.” Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, April, fqad013.
Chu, Ming-Kin. 2023. “Realizing the ‘Outwardly Regal’ Vision in the Midst of Political Inactivity: A Study of the Epistolary Networks of Li Gang 李綱 (1083–1140) and Sun Di 孫覿 (1081–1169).” Religions 14 (3): 389.
Sokolova, Anna. 2023. “Regional Buddhist Communities in Tang China and Their Social Networks: The Network of Master Fayun (?–766).” Religions 14 (3): 335.
Chu, Ming-Kin. 2023. “Realizing the ‘Outwardly Regal’ Vision in the Midst of Political Inactivity: A Study of the Epistolary Networks of Li Gang 李綱 (1083–1140) and Sun Di 孫覿 (1081–1169).” Religions 14 (3): 389.
Bingenheimer, Marcus. 2023. “Miyun Yuanwu 密雲圓悟 (1567–1642) and His Impact on 17th-Century Buddhism.” Religions 14 (2): 248.
Goossaert, Vincent. 2023. “The Social Networks of Gods in Late Imperial Spirit-Writing Altars.” Religions 14 (2): 217.
Van Cutsem, Laurent. 2023. “Lineages as Network: A Study of Chan Genealogy in the Zutang Ji 祖堂集 Using Social Network Analysis.” Religions 14 (2): 205.
Bingenheimer, Marcus. 2023. “Miyun Yuanwu 密雲圓悟 (1567–1642) and His Impact on 17th-Century Buddhism.” Religions 14 (2): 248.
Sánchez, Suset García, and Nereyda Moya Padilla. 2023. “Comerciantes banqueros y redes de parentesco. Cienfuegos 1880-1920.” Redes. Revista hispana para el análisis de redes sociales 34 (1): 87–102.
Martin, Benjamin, and Fredrik Mohammadi Norén. 2023. “Nature and Culture in the Age of Environmental Crisis: Digital Analysis of a Global Debate in The UNESCO Courier, 1948-2020.” In . Vol. 5:1. Universitetet i Oslo.
Tambs, Lena. 2023. “Social and Economic Life in Early Ptolemaic Egypt: The Potential of the Zenon Archive.” In Current Research in Egyptology 2022. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Symposium, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, 26-30 September 2022, edited by A. Bouhafs, L. Chapon, M. Claude, M. Danilova, L. Dautais, N. Fathy, A. I. Fernandez Pichel, M. Guigner, M. Pinon, and M. Valerio, 369–86. Access Archaeology, Archaeopress & ENiM.
Brughmans, Tom, and Matthew A. Peeples. 2023. Network Science in Archaeology. Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Rappo, Lucas. 2023. “Liens Matrimoniaux, Famille et Appartenance Professionnelle à Corsier-Sur-Vevey (Suisse) Au XVIIIe Siècle : Le Cas Des Notaires et Des Vignerons.” In , edited by Audrey Dauchy and Laila Scheuch, 141–66. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
Pister, Alexis. 2022. “Visual Analytics for Historical Social Networks : Traceability, Exploration, and Analysis.” These de doctorat, Paris: Université Paris-Saclay.
Ureña-Carrion, Javier, Petri Leskinen, Jouni Tuominen, Charles van den Heuvel, Eero Hyvönen, and Mikko Kivelä. 2022. “Communication Now and Then: Analyzing the Republic of Letters as a Communication Network.” Applied Network Science 7 (1): 1–16.
Petz, Cindarella, Raji Ghawi, and Jürgen Pfeffer. 2022. “Tracking the Evolution of Communities in a Social Network of Intellectual Influences.” Journal of Historical Network Research 7 (1): 114–54.
Conroy, Melanie, Kimmo Elo, Malte Rehbein, and Linda von Keyserlingk-Rehbein. 2022. “Visualizing the Evolution of Historical Networks Using Small Multiples in Grid Charts.” Journal of Historical Network Research 7 (1): 86–113.
Cachero, Montserrat, and Paula Rodríguez-Modroño. 2022. “An Empire of Networks: The Political Economy of the Habsburgs in the Caribbean (1492-1556).” Journal of Historical Network Research 7 (1): 181–215.
Mack, William. 2022. “‘Where Are the Proxenoi?’ Social Network Analysis, Connectivity and the Greek Poleis.” Past and Present, no. 257 (November): 11–54.
Buarque, Bernardo, Aline Deicke, Malte Doehne, Marten Düring, Heiner Fangerau, Catherine Herfeld, Charles van den Heuvel, et al. 2022. “White Paper of the ModelSEN Workshop (April 2022).” Zenodo.
Sangiacomo, Andrea, Raluca Tanasescu, Hugo Hogenbirk, and Silvia Donker. 2022. “Recreating the Network of Early Modern Natural Philosophy: A Mono- and Multilingual Text Data Vectorization Method.” Journal of Historical Network Research 7 (1): 33–85.
Pister, Alexis, Nicole Dufournaud, Pascal Cristofoli, Christophe Prieur, and Jean-Daniel Fekete. 2022. “From Historical Documents To Social Network Visualization: Potential Pitfalls and Network Modeling.” In .
Kokoli, Maria, Evangelos Karatzas, Fotis A. Baltoumas, Reinhard Schneider, Evangelos Pafilis, Savvas Paragkamian, Nadezhda T. Doncheva, Lars Juhl Jensen, and Georgios A. Pavlopoulos. 2022. “Arena3D Web: Interactive 3D Visualization of Multilayered Networks Supporting Multiple Directional Information Channels, Clustering Analysis and Application Integration.” Preprint. Bioinformatics.
Atçıl, Abdurrahman, and Gürzat Kami. 2022. “Studying Professional Careers as Hierarchical Networks: A Case Study on the Careers of Chief Judges in the Ottoman Empire (1516–1622).” Journal of Historical Network Research 7 (1): 32–32.
JSiv. (2022) 2022. Multiviz: A Gephi Plugin for Scalable Visualization of Multi-Layer Networks.
Zinoviev, Dmitry. 2022. “Networks of Music Groups as Success Predictors.” Advances in Complex Systems 25 (05n06): 2240009.
Buongiorno Nardelli, Marco, Garland Culbreth, and Miguel Fuentes. 2022. “Towards a Measure of Harmonic Complexity in Western Classical Music.” Advances in Complex Systems 25 (05n06): 2240008.
Miccio, Luis A., Carlos Gámez-Pérez, Juan Luis Suárez, and Gustavo A. Schwartz. 2022. “Mapping the Networked Context of Copernicus, Michelangelo, and Della Mirandola in Wikipedia.” Advances in Complex Systems 25 (05n06): 2240010.
Rubio-Mondejar, Juan A., and Josean Garrues-Irurzun. 2022. “Women Entrepreneurs and Family Networks in Andalusia (Spain) during the Second Industrial Revolution.” Business History 0 (0): 1–22.
Verbruggen, Christophe, Florian Deroo, Hans Blomme, Thomas D’haeninck, Amandine Thiry, Lisa van Diem, Jan Vandersmissen, et al. 2022. “Social Reform International Congresses and Organizations (1846–1914): From Sources to Data.” Journal of Open Humanities Data 8 (0): 13.
Mourlon-Druol, Emmanuel, and Enrico Bergamini. 2022. “Economic Union in the Debates on the Creation of the Euro: New Evidence from the Tapes of the Delors Committee Meetings.” Journal of Digital History, no. 2 (April).
Valleriani, Matteo, Beate Federau, and Olya Nicolaeva. 2022. “The Hidden Praeceptor: How Georg Rheticus Taught Geocentric Cosmology to Europe.” Perspectives on Science, February, 1–46.
Brylinski, Emeline. 2022. “Recommander l’utopie ? Construction d’une Coopération Intergouvernementale Par Le Bureau International d’Éducation Au Milieu Du 20e Siècle.” Thèse de doctorat, Genève: Université de Genève.
Rappo, Lucas. 2022. Parenté, Proximité Spatiale et Liens Sociaux de l’Ancien Régime à La Suisse Moderne. Le Cas de Corsier-Sur-Vevey de 1700 à 1840. Peter Lang.
Spina, Salvatore. 2022. “Historical Network Analysis & Htr Tool Per Un Approccio Storico Metodologico Digitale All’archivio Biscari Di Catania.” Umanistica Digitale, no. 14: 163–81.
Schlesinger, Claus-Michael. 2022. “Identifying Lesser-Known Actors of the ‘Stuttgart School’: An Event-Oriented Approach to Historical Network Research.” In Graph Technologies in the Humanities - Proceedings 2020, edited by Tara Andrews, Franziska Diehr, Thomas Efer, Andreas Kuczera, and Joris van Zundert, 3110:193–210. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR.
Everton, Sean F., and Steven Pfaff. 2022. “Historical and Comparative Research on Social Diffusion: Mechanisms, Methods, and Data.” Social Science History 46 (2): 431–72.
Johner, Aline. 2022. La Sexualité Comme Expression d’identités Religieuses et Politiques Dans Le Canton de Vaud (Fin de l’Ancien Régime–1848). Neuchâtel: Alphil Presses Universitaires Suisses.
Schmidt, Kira J., Maria Buck, and Romed Aschwanden. 2022. “The «Swiss Alpine Conservation Movement» (1980–2005): Possibilities and Limitations of a Two-Mode Network.” Schweizerische Zeitschrift Für Geschichte 72: 92–109.
Grandjean, Martin. 2022. “The Paris/Geneva Divide. A Network Analysis of the Archives of the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations.” In Culture as Soft Power. Bridging Cultural Relations, Intellectual Cooperation, and Cultural Diplomacy, edited by Elisabet Carbó-Catalan and Diana Roig-Sanz, 65–98. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Tambs, Lena. 2022. Socio-Economic Relations in Ptolemaic Pathyris: A Network Analytical Approach to a Bilingual Community. Vol. 40.1-40.2. Probleme Der Ägyptologie. Leiden: Brill.
Tambs, Lena. 2022. “Social and Symbolic Boundaries in the Upper Egyptian Town of Pathyris (2nd to Early 1st Cent. BCE).” Fronteiras: Revista Catarinense de História, no. 40: 164–205.
Rossier, Thierry, Christoph Houman Ellersgaard, Anton Grau Larsen, and Jacob Aagaard Lunding. 2022. “From Integrated to Fragmented Elites. The Core of Swiss Elite Networks 1910–2015.” The British Journal of Sociology 73 (2): 315–35.

About the bibliography

On this page you will find the to-date largest collection of articles related to the application  of Social Network Analysis in the historical disciplines. However, it is neither complete nor perfect.

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This bibliography is not the work of an individual, but of a collective. It is currently maintained by:

  • Marten Düring
  • Martin Grandjean

While it is not possible to acknowledge everyone who ever contributed, some particularly large contributions stand out which were kindly provided by:

  • Tom Brughmans
  • Matt Peeples
  • Christian Rollinger
  • Martin Skoeries
  • Maximilian Kaiser
  • Christian Marx