The Institute of Philosophy at Leibniz University Hannover invites applications for the position of a Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d) in Philosophy of Science / Digital Humanities (Salary Scale 13 TV-L, 80 %) with an expected but flexible starting date of February 1,...
Categories: Event | Call for papers | Job | Announcement
Job: 3-year Position for Research Associate in Machine Learning at BIFOLD (TU Berlin) (deadline 18 august)
Dear members of the HNR community, via Prof. Dr. Matteo Valleriani (more info at Research Assistant - salary grade 13 TV-L Berliner Hochschulen - For qualification part-time employment may be...
Save the date: The next HNR conference will take place on 8-10 July 2024 in Lausanne, Switzerland
The 9th International Historical Network Research Conference (HNR2024) will take place from the 8th to the 10th of July 2024 at the University of Lausanne (UNIL), Switzerland. The call for papers will be available in autumn 2023. The conference will comprise one day...
Job: 2-year Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Roman Archeology (Utrecht University, deadline: July 31, 2023)
Dear member of the HNR community, The project "Constructing the Limes", funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO), is looking for a postdoctoral researcher in Roman archaeology for a period of two years. The main objective is to understand how knowledge is generated...
Reminder: International Workshop “Networks and History”
Dear colleagues, this is a reminder for Kati Prajda's workshop "Social Networks in Medieval and Renaissance Studies - Thirty Years after Robust Action", which was sponsored by the RELEVEN project and the Faculty of History at the University of Vienna. Please find...
Registration open/Programme online: GrapHNR 2023, July 18–21, Mainz
Dear members of the HNR community, we are happy to announce that registration is now open for GrapHNR 2023: Attendance is free of charge. Also, the programme is now online:...
Job: 3-year Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (ERC-project DAWN)
The spread of belief systems in irrigation modelling Fellow profile We are looking for a highly motivated, curiosity-driven postdoctoral scholar with a strong background in Network Analysis to integrate into the ERC-funded project DAWN. DAWN merges philosophy,...
CfP: CHR 2023, Paris, December 6-8
Dear colleagues, I'd like to draw your attention and invite you to participate in the 4th edition of the Computational Humanities Research conference which will take place in Paris on December 6-8. Call for papers is now live, submission deadline is July 24. Please...
CfP: Networks in history and archaeology, EUSN 2023, Ljubljana, 4-8 September 2023
CFP deadline 30 April Organizers: Paolo Cimadomo, University of Haifa ( Maria Carmela Schisani, University of Naples ‘Federico II’ ( David Zbíral, Masaryk University ( Over the past few years, network...
Job: Research Scientist in Data analysis for Digital History (permanent)
Job: Research Scientist in Data analysis for Digital History (permanent contract) The University of Luxembourg is an international research university with a distinctly multilingual and interdisciplinary character. The University was founded in 2003 and counts more...
CfP: The Connected Past – Helsinki, 12-15 September 2023
Theme: Digital Methods for Studying Networks and Complexity in the Humanities CFP deadline 16 April The last decade has seen an explosion in the application of digital methods in the humanities from LiDAR scanning of archaeological features,...
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in History with a focus on Digital History
Applications are invited for appointment as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in History with a focus on Digital History in the School of Humanities (History) (Ref.: 517317), to commence on August 1, 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter, on a three-year fixed-term...
JHNR bids farewell to Martin Stark and Robert Gramsch-Stehfest and welcomes Cindarella Petz as new editor
Dear members of the HNR community, we would like to announce changes in the editorial team of the Journal of Historical Network Research and say farewell to our colleagues Dr Martin Stark and Prof Robert Gramsch-Stehfest whose other professional commitments no longer...
Reminder: CfP GrapHNR 2023 – joint conference of the HNR community and Graphs & Networks in the Humanities
Dear all, this is a gentle reminder that the submission deadline is fast approaching: 26.2.2023. Please note that the submission deadline will not be extended! Please submit abstracts (detailed info below) via To...
Free Online Coaching Program in Visual and Interactive Network Exploration
Dear All, Are you performing network analysis or wanting to learn about network exploration using interactive visualizations? Do you have network data you want to visualize and explore? Are you thinking about collecting network data (e.g., from letters, social...
CfP: GrapHNR 2023 – joint conference of the HNR community and Graphs & Networks in the Humanities, 18.–21.07.2023, Mainz
GrapHNR 2023 Graphs and Networks in the fourth dimension – time and temporality as categories of connectedness We are very pleased to announce the call for papers for GrapHNR 2023, a joint conference of the Historical Network Research community and Graphs &...
Job: 3-year postdoctoral position in history and philosophy of science, project network epistemology in practice (Berlin)
Dear member of the HNR community, The project "Network epistemology in practice (NEPI)", funded by the European Research Council (ERC) through a Consolidator Grant to Adrian Wüthrich (Technische Universität Berlin), is seeking to appoint a postdoctoral researcher in...
Last chance to take our survey: Best-Practices and Tools in Historical Network Research
Dear member of the HNR community, this is a last friendly reminder to participate in the survey “Best-Practices and Tools in Historical Network Research”, developed in a cooperation between the ModelSEN-project and the HNR community. The survey will be open until...
Reminder: HNR lunch lecture: Retrieving online memory practices (Anastasia Glawion, November 24)
Dear member of the HNR community, This is a reminder for our upcoming Historical Network Research lunch lecture on Thursday November 24 (12-1 pm CET). Our speaker will be Anastasia Glawion, postdoc at the LitLab of the Technical University of Darmstadt. You can find...
JHNR welcomes new editor and introduces new publication workflow
Dear member of the HNR community, we are writing with a few important updates concerning the Journal of Historical Network Research. Briefly, we are excited to announce that Dr Ingeborg van Vugt has joined the team of JHNR editors and announce that from now on,...