Free Online Coaching Program in Visual and Interactive Network Exploration
Dear All,
Are you performing network analysis or wanting to learn about network exploration using interactive visualizations? Do you have network data you want to visualize and explore? Are you thinking about collecting network data (e.g., from letters, social networks, language models, etc.) and want to learn about the potential of visual exploration?As part of our ongoing research on supporting network analysis and exploration through visualizations, the Vis Hub team at the University of Edinburgh ( is running a free 1-to-1 online coaching Program on network visualization, to help you understand and perform visual exploration with your network data. This program will support participants through 1-to-1 sessions to support a flexible and self-regulated learning style. Sessions will take place at any time during February and most of March 2023.The program organizers are researchers in visualization, human-computer interaction, and education at the VisHub lab ( at the University of Edinburgh. In our research, we aim to improve the ways people learn and use interactive data visualizations to understand complex and multifaceted data.This program will support participants through 1-to-1 sessions to support a flexible and self-regulated learning style. Sessions will take place at any time during February and most of March 2023.
Who is this program for?
You can join our program whether you are at any stage during your exploration process, and we are happy to help and discuss possible pathways how we can best help you:
  • if you don’t have any data yet but want to learn about visual exploration
  • you have research goals but don’t know what data to collect
  • have data and want to start exploring
  • want to discuss your current exploration whether you have specific goal to achieve or not
  • etc…


Program Goals
The goal of our program is to help you with your data collection, formatting, visual exploration as well as the planning of each of these stages. Things we will help you with during the individual sessions:
  • Learning about the potentials of network visualization for your data
  • Help define research questions related to network exploration
  • Help define network structures for your data
  • Help learn interactive exploration features
  • Help understand different kinds of data visualisations for networks
  • Help perform free-form exploration through interactive visualisations.
  • etc.
To know more about our coaching program, and for detailed description about the program’s sessions: what do they support you with and how to register please visit the coaching program webpage .
Coaching sessions are
  • free of charge,
  • open to everyone (with a limit of 15 people),
  • online (using Zoom)
  • Will make use of a range of supporting material, such as tutorials, videos, comics, . . etc.
  • As well as smaller activities you can do by yourself.
Sessions are held during February and March during first piloting phases.
Session Content
Sessions can walk you through (coach) you in all steps of network exploration process, including:
  • how to describe your data through concept maps/knowledge graphs to understand how data attributes are related and found the basis of visual network exploration.
  • how to use concept maps/knowledge graphs to create networks , filter your data and explore your data starting from your research question and/or exploration goal.
  • how to decide on which visualization(s) to explore based on the data described in your concept map/knowledge graph and your research goal.
  • how to overcome obstacles faced in the data formation process through exploring different possible goal-based data transformation and wrangling options (ex. Extracting nodes and links from historical documents).
  • how to explore your data interactively through choosing among different exploration strategies whether on the data side or the visualization side.
 Info Sessions
We run 2 open info sessions on to answer your questions and enquiries about those our coaching session as following:
  • Friday 3rd February 2023 (1-2pm UK), and a repetition on
  • Monday 6th February 2023 (4-5pm UK).
Both sessions are the same and will walk you through the course, demo the Vistorian, and give you the opportunity to meet us and discuss questions before signing up.
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Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any enquiry. And feel free please to circulate this invitation.Looking forward to see you soon.Regards,The Vistorian Team
Mashael AlKadi (main contact) Email us, PhD Student, VisHub, University of Edinburgh
Benjamin Bach, Lecturer, VisHub, University of Edinburgh
Uta Hinrichs, Reader, VisHub, University of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.
Published by Marten Düring
February 2, 2023

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