This might be of interest for people on this list: OIKOS Cultural Interactions in the Ancient World Annual Meeting Networking the Ancient World 1 May, 2020 – ONLINE After all the cancellations of events due to the coronavirus, we are pleased to announce that the CIAW...
Categories: Event | Call for papers | Job | Announcement
HNR2020 postponed to 2021
Dear all, After much consideration and in light of the developing situation concerning Covid-19, we had to decide that the Historical Network Research conference in Luxembourg will no longer take place on 16-19 June 2020, but has been rescheduled to summer 2021. The...
Fellowship for Digital Scholarship @ Centre for Digital Scholarship at Leiden University
This will be of interest for people on this list: Fellowship for Digital Scholarship Do you have plans to conduct scientific research on the basis of the extensive digital collections of Leiden University Libraries (UBL)? Then the Fellowship Program for Digital...
Summer School Digital Prosopography, Vienna 6.-10.7.2020
Via Georg Vogeler: Dear historical networkers, the ACDH-CH at Austrian Academy of Science invites you to participate in a Summer School on Digital Prosopography. It will take place in Vienna, 06-10. July 2020 and include courses on data creation, modelling with...
CfP: Special Issue Chinese Historical Networks in the Journal of Historical Network Research
We are very happy to announce the following CfP for a special issue of the Journal of Historical Network Research: CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue on Chinese Historical Networks in the Journal of Historical Network Research (Spring 2021) Chinese historical network...
Cfp: La sixième rencontre du groupe Res-Hist (Réseaux & Histoire) “Réseaux bipartis en histoire” + training at Aix-en-Provence, 21-22 octobre 2020
Vis ResHist and highly recommended: Workshop Créé en 2013, le groupe Res-Hist est un collectif destiné à favoriser les échanges scientifiques autour des réseaux en histoire. Il organise des rencontres qui réunissent, autour d’une thématique donnée, les...
Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences, 20.07.2020 – 30.07.2020
Dear all, this might be of interest: The Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences connects to a growing field of study which has developed over the past few years demonstrating a renewed interest in basic theoretical and methodological questions in the social...
Is your research in the HNR Bibliography?
Hi all, every once in a while we ask you to check if all your recent and past work on historical network analysis is actually already present in the HNR Bibliography. If you see that we are missing something, please send us all the references you think we should add....
Extended deadline CfP Historical Network Research Conference, 01-03-2020
Dear all, The deadline to submit an abstract for the Historical Network Research Conference (HNR2020) has been extended to March 1, 2020 (23:59 CET). To contact the organisers, please email and see below for details about the...
Call for help: Networks of the Inquisition?
Dear all, below I am forwarding a request from Alex Freemon (afreemon ät, please get in touch in you can help: Hello Marten, I have watched your 2013 presentation at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute which is on YouTube with great interest. I am an...
Job: Tenured Professorship in Digital Humanities; literary history & networks
This should be of interest: Tenured Professorship in Digital Humanities salary grade: W 2 | reference code: DigitalHum Working field: The professorship is part of the Cluster of Excellence 2020 “Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a...
Reminder: CfP Historical Network Research Conference 2020 in Luxembourg
Dear all, this is a gentle reminder that the submission deadline is fast approaching: 20.2.2020 Please submit abstracts (detailed info below) via: To contact the organisers, please email...
Cfp: The Connected Past 2020: Artefactual Intelligence, September 24-25, Aarhus University
Via Tom Brughmans: We are delighted to announce the next connected past conference (networks and complexity in archaeology and history), which will take place in Aarhus Denmark on 24-25 September. The call for papers is open now until 15 March. Please feel free...
Summer school complex networks, Salina 5-12.9.2020
via Tom Brughmans, The Networks' Network: We are calling for applications from students and young researchers in Network Science for the 7th edition of the Mediterranean School of Complex Networks, which will take place in Salina (Italy), 5-12 Sep 2020. Early...
Call for Papers HNR2020 in Luxembourg
The Historical Network Research community is very pleased to announce the call for papers for the next Historical Network Research conference which will take place at the University of Luxembourg, from Wednesday 17 until Friday 19 June 2020. The conference will run...
CfP:Networks and the study of the human past at the 2020 Sunbelt conference in Paris
Dear All, please consider submitting an abstract for the Paris Sunbelt 2020 session on Networks and the study of the human past. Deadline: 31 January 2020 Organizers: Julie Birkholz (Ghent University, Belgium), Henning Hillmann (University of Mannheim, Germany),...
Save the date: HNR conference 2020, June 17-19 2020, Luxembourg
Save the date: Historical Network Research conference 2020, June 17-19 2020, Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg) Dear colleagues, As the end of this year is closing in, we’re already looking forward to 2020: Save the date for the 6th Historical Network Research conference...
Issue #3 of the Journal of Historical Network Research published
Dear all, we are happy to announce the publication of the third issue of the Journal of Historical Network Research with the following content: Articles Trimalchio’s last will: shifting interactions between seeming and being (KÖSTNER, ELENA) 1-29 During the...
POLNET Einführungskurs quantitative Netzwerkanalyse 29. und 30. November Universität Konstanz
..this will for sure be of interest to people on this list: Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen, der diesjährige POLNET - Einführungskurs in die quantitative Netzwerkanalyse für Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaftler*innen findet am 29. und 30....
Gerda Henkel Fellowship in Digital History @ GHI Washington & Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at the George Mason University
this will be of interest for people on this list: Dear Mr. Düring, We are pleased to announce that the funding for the Gerda Henkel Fellowship for Digital History will again be offered at GHI Washington and the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at...