
Help needed: Science for Ukraine

Dear member of the HNR community, Acting on behalf of #ScienceForUkraine (, an initiative of volunteers providing information about opportunities for scholars fleeing Ukraine, I would like to ask for your support. We strongly believe that...

New Issue Journal of Historical Network Research Vol 6 No 1 (2021)

New Issue Journal of Historical Network Research Vol 6 No 1 (2021)

Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce the publication of a new issue of the Journal of Historical Network Research (Vol 6 No 1). It contains the following content:   Distribution de l’information et stratégies relationnelles dans le corpus de...

Remembering Ulrich Eumann

Dear colleagues, today we are writing with the sad news that our colleague Uli Eumann has passed away last week. One of the founders of the HNR community, Uli had initially subscribed to the 2008 Trier Summer School on Social Network Analysis, where the rest of us...

Now online: conference programme HNR+ResHist2021

Now online: conference programme HNR+ResHist2021

Dear all, The conference „Historical Networks – Réseaux Historiques – Historische Netzwerke“ co-organised by the Historical Network Research group and Réseaux et Histoire will take place from Wednesday, June 30th until Friday, July 2nd, 2021. The complete programme is...

DHd AG Graphentechnologien wird AG Graphen & Netzwerke

The following announcement might be of interest to some of the German readers of this list: Liebe Listenlesende, mit Freude teilen wir mit, dass die AG Graphentechnologien jetzt die AG Graphen & Netzwerke ist. Die Arbeitsgruppe des Verbandes Digital Humanities im...

HNR YouTube Channel

If you've missed the HNR2020 keynote event or one of the lunch lectures or want to watch it again, you can find the videos on the HNR YouTube-channel! Online so far (playlists): The HNR 2020 keynotes and trailers The HNR lunch lectures (to be updated...

Reminder: Digital Historians Software Survey

Reminder: Digital Historians Software Survey

Dear all, We recently sent you an invite to the Digital Historians Software Survey of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. If you have not completed the questionnaire please take the time to fill out the survey to get as many responses as  possible. The deadline is...

Call for help: Digital Historians Software Survey

Call for help: Digital Historians Software Survey

Dear all, We would like to ask you for your help by filling in the following survey: Digital Historians Software Survey The research group of Prof. Clemens Beckstein, Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, and Robert...

HNR2020 postponed to 2021

HNR2020 postponed to 2021

Dear all, After much consideration and in light of the developing situation concerning Covid-19, we had to decide that the Historical Network Research conference in Luxembourg will no longer take place on 16-19 June 2020, but has been rescheduled to summer 2021. The...

Is your research in the HNR Bibliography?

Hi all, every once in a while we ask you to check if all your recent and past work on historical network analysis is actually already present in the HNR Bibliography. If you see that we are missing something, please send us all the references you think we should add....

Call for help: Networks of the Inquisition?

Dear all, below I am forwarding a request from Alex Freemon (afreemon ät, please get in touch in you can help:   Hello Marten, I have watched your 2013 presentation at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute which is on YouTube with great interest. I am an...

Issue #3 of the Journal of Historical Network Research published

Issue #3 of the Journal of Historical Network Research published

Dear all, we are happy to announce the publication of the third issue of the Journal of Historical Network Research with the following content:   Articles Trimalchio’s last will: shifting interactions between seeming and being (KÖSTNER, ELENA) 1-29 During the...

Call for Use Cases: Explore your network data with BLIZAAR Intergraph

The visual analytics tool Intergraph is in active development and offers a novel approach to the exploration of large graphs by means of an iterative search and discovery workflow. Intergraph was first conceived as a technical demonstrator in the ANR/FNR-funded...

Big Data and the Human and Social Sciences journal special issue

via Martin Stark / Ivo Veiga:   Dear Colleagues, The journal Social Sciences (ISSN 2076-0760; index by *Scopus*) is currently running a Special Issue entitled "Big Data and the Human and Social Sciences". Dr. Ivo Veiga, Dr. Ana Paula Pires and Dr. Inês Queiroz...