via the Networks' Network: Apologies for cross-posting We invite abstracts for two network research sessions at the 2020 Computer Applications and Quantitative methods in Archaeology conference held in Oxford. S32. Archaeological network research 1: spatial and...
Categories: Event | Call for papers | Job | Announcement
Conf: Biographien, Netzwerke und Mobilität, 17. – 18. October 2019, Vienna
Dear all, this conference will surely be of interest for HNR people: Tagungsprogramm Donnerstag, 17.10.2019 17:00-17:15 Registrierung 17:15–17:30 Begrüßung 17:30-18:00 Präsentation des APIS-Projekts...
CfP: Interdisziplinäre Tagung „Netzwerke – Performanz – Kultur“
via Daniel Reupke: Veranstalter: Arbeitskreis Netzwerke und Kultur der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Netzwerkforschung (DGNet) in Kooperation mit dem Forschungsinstitut für Musiktheater (fimt) Datum, Ort: 12. + 13. Dezember 2019, Schloss Thurnau bei Bayreuth...
Conf: La Personne en question dans les réseaux, Université Rennes 2, 17-18 octobre 2019
via ResHist: Programme en format pdf (avec plan d’accès). Les textes des différentes communications seront disponibles sur cette même page mi-septembre. Jeudi 17 octobre (Bât N, N 104) 9h 30 – 13h 00 : Michaël Gasperoni (CR CNRS-CRM), Cyril Grange (DR CNRS), Benoît...
Reminder: 13. Trierer Summer School on Social Network Analysis 16. – 21. September 2019
There are a few remaining places left, do sign up now if this is of interest to you. This Summer School is highly recommended for SNA novices who can follow lectures in German. 13. Trierer Summer School on Social Network Analysis 16. – 21. September 2019 Die...
CfP: Historical Networks Panel at “Digital Humanities and Data Visualization”, 28-29 November 2019 Cluj-Napoca
Via Rada Varga: GENERAL INFORMATION DigiHUBB (Transylvania Digital Humanities Centre, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca) invites submission of proposals for its second conference relating to the general theme of “Digital Humanities and Data Visualization”....
Representing Networks: Past and Present Workshop at the University of Cologne, 5-6 June 2019
via Danijela Stefanović: Representing Networks: Past and Present Workshop at the University of Cologne, 5-6 June 2019 Please register at by 31 May For more information, see PROGRAM...
13. Trierer Summer School on Social Network Analysis16. – 21. September 2019
13. Trierer Summer School on Social Network Analysis 16. – 21. September 2019 Die Trierer Summer School on Social Network Analysis bietet im Rahmen eines einwöchigen Intensivangebots eine umfassende Einführung in die theoretischen Konzepte, Methoden und Anwendungen...
Networks and the study of the human past – EUSN 2019, 9-12 September Zurich
Organized session at the 4th European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN 2019) 9-12 September 2019, Zurich, Switzerland ( Most network research focuses on contemporary data and is presentist in orientation, overlooking the vast...
Quantitative Methods in the Humanities An Introduction Claire Lemercier and Claire Zalc.
This recently translated book by Claire Lemercier and Claire Zalc will be of interest to people on this list: Quantitative Methods in the Humanities An Introduction Claire Lemercier and Claire Zalc. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer...
POLNET + Network Models of Culture and Discourse May (22-23) 24-25 University of Konstanz, Germany
via Martin Stark: Dear Colleagues and Students, This year´s summer school on advanced social network analysis will be dedicated to network models of culture and discourse. The nexus between words and networks offers new possibilities to understand the impact of...
Job: Zwei Promotionsstellen (100%) im Forschungsprojekt “Wissenschaft transnational. Die Schweiz und die akademischen Zwangsmigranten 1933 bis 1950.”
via Stefanie Mehrer: Zwei Promotionsstellen (100%) im Forschungsprojekt "Wissenschaft transnational. Die Schweiz und die akademischen Zwangsmigranten 1933 bis 1950." Am Historischen Institut der Universität Bern (Dr. Stefanie Mahrer) sind auf den 1. Oktober...
Job: Professorship digital humanities Cambridge
via Tom Brughmans, The Networks Network: The following job will be of interest to members of the list: Professorship of Digital Humanities School of Arts and Humanities Cambridge University The Board of Electors to the...
CfP: Big Data Module II: Introduction to Social Network Science with Python, 15.07. – 19.07. Cologne
Via Haiko Loetz/SNA-DE: Event homepage In the wake of the digital revolution, masses of Digital Behavioral Data (DBD) are becoming available for social research. Typically, this data has a relational dimension. As a consequence, network analysis is becoming...
Call for help: Multilayers/Multimodals and Uncertainty in humanities network visualisation
Dear all, Today I would like to ask you for your help with two papers on network analysis visualization in the Humanities. One I co-author, the second one is co-authored by a colleague. For both we are equally interested in solutions which were created with standard...
Job: Postdoctoral position: Network analysis of medieval dissident cultures
via David Zbíral With apologies for cross-posting: Dear colleagues, The DISSINET project (“Dissident Religious Cultures in Medieval Europe from the Perspective of Social Network Analysis and Geographic Information Systems”), based at Masaryk University, Faculty of...
Call for Use Cases: Explore your network data with BLIZAAR Intergraph
The visual analytics tool Intergraph is in active development and offers a novel approach to the exploration of large graphs by means of an iterative search and discovery workflow. Intergraph was first conceived as a technical demonstrator in the ANR/FNR-funded...
CfP: 13th HNR Workshop on Time and Space, 27-8 May 2019 in Mainz
We are happy to announce the Call for papers for the next HNR workshop. This 13th edition of the HNR workshop series is organized by Aline Deicke (ADW Mainz), Dr. Lieve Donnellan (Aarhus University) and Dr. Henrike Rudolph (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität...
C²DH offers several fellowships for visiting researchers: for PhD candidates, Post-Docs and Senior Researchers.
This might be of interest for people on this list as well, C2DH is a truly exciting and pleasant place to work. Feel free to contact me for more info, Marten The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) is the University of Luxembourg’s...
Workshop on Humanities in the Semantic Web – WHiSe III – Leipzig, Germany, May 20, 21, or 22, 2019
WHiSe III is a symposium aimed at strengthening communication between scholars in the Digital Humanities and Semantic Web communities and discussing unthought-of opportunities arising from the research problems of the former. Its best-of-both-worlds format will...