Dear all, this Call for Papers may be of interest to members of the HNR community: Graphs and Networks in the Humanities 2022 Technologies, Models, Analyses, and Visualizations 6th International Conference, 4 and 5 February 2022, Amsterdam The 6th international...
Categories: Event | Call for papers | Job | Announcement
Event: Networks of Philosophy, Philosophy of Networks (6 July)
Dear all, Below you can find the announcement of an online seminar, to be held on 6 July 2021, which might be of interest to members of the HNR community. Networks experts Randall Collins and Kevin Zollman will discuss how collaboration has shaped the history of...
Reminder: CfA EUSN 2021, Session: Networks and the study of the human past
Dear colleagues, the deadline for abstract submission for the session on „Networks and the study of the human past“ at the next EUSN-Conference has been extended to June 6. The 5th European Conference on Social Network (EUSN 2021) will be held as a hybrid in...
Now online: conference programme HNR+ResHist2021
Dear all, The conference „Historical Networks – Réseaux Historiques – Historische Netzwerke“ co-organised by the Historical Network Research group and Réseaux et Histoire will take place from Wednesday, June 30th until Friday, July 2nd, 2021. The complete programme is...
Reminder: HNR Afternoon Tea Lecture Rachel Midura (May 20)
Dear all, This is a gentle reminder for our upcoming Historical Network Research Afternoon Tea lecture on Thursday May 20. The seminar will start at 4:00 pm CET (10 am EST / 3 pm BST) and finish one hour later. Our speaker will be Rachel Midura, assistant Professor of...
Call for abstracts: EUSN 2021, Session: Networks and the study of the human past
Dear colleagues, please consider to submit an abstract for the session on „Networks and the study of the human past“ at the next EUSN-Conference. The 5th European Conference on Social Network (EUSN 2021) will be held as a hybrid in person/remote event in Naples on...
Job offer: Postdoctoral scholar position in ERC project on Hispanic and Lusophone Literary Modernity
Dear all, this job offer might be of interest to members of this list: A postdoctoral scholar position is available at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Barcelona), starting June 2021 (negotiable), as a 2-years postdoctoral...
HNR lunch lecture Rachel Midura: Early Modern Digital Itineraries: Networks of European Space, 1545-1761 (May 20)
Dear all, The Historical Network Research community is pleased to announce another event in the HNR Lunch Lectures Series. The next lecture will be on Thursday May 20. Our speaker will be Rachel Midura, assistant Professor of Digital History at Virginia Polytechnic...
Reminder: HNR lunch lecture Ramona Roller (April 15)
Dear all, This is a gentle reminder for our upcoming Historical Network Research lunch lecture on Thursday April 15. Our speaker will be Ramona Roller, a doctoral student at the Chair of Systems Design at ETH Zurich. She will present her talk entitled “modeling time...
Jobs: Four research fellowships in an ERC project on medieval heresy and inquisition
Four research fellowships in an ERC project on medieval heresy and inquisition With apologies for cross-posting: Perhaps some of you or your contacts might be interested in the following listings in the ERC Consolidator Grant-funded Dissident Networks Project...
Webinar series: Republics of Letters around the Globe (2 April – 4 June 2021)
Dear all, These webinars might be of interest to some people on this list. From 2 April to 4 June 2021, the SKILLNET project of Utrecht University will organize a series of webinars. A string of historians will give presentations about early modern transnational...
HNR lunch lecture Ramona Roller (April 15): modeling time in letter correspondence networks of the European Reformation: beyond snapshots towards temporal paths
Dear all, The Historical Network Research community is pleased to announce another event in the HNR Lunch Lectures Series. The next lecture will be on Thursday April 15th. Our speaker will be Ramona Roller, a doctoral student at the Chair of Systems Design at ETH...
Save the Date/Abstracts online: The Connected Past “Artefactual Intelligence”, Sept 29–30 2021
Dear all, this announcement might be of interest to some people on this list: Save the date for The Connected Past: Artefactual Intelligence September 29-30 2021, Aarhus University The conference is expected to be held as a hybrid event and will be preceded by a...
DHd AG Graphentechnologien wird AG Graphen & Netzwerke
The following announcement might be of interest to some of the German readers of this list: Liebe Listenlesende, mit Freude teilen wir mit, dass die AG Graphentechnologien jetzt die AG Graphen & Netzwerke ist. Die Arbeitsgruppe des Verbandes Digital Humanities im...
HNR Lunch Lecture Diane Harris Cline (March 18, 4-5 pm CET)
Dear all, The Historical Network Research community is pleased to announce another event in the HNR Lunch Lectures Series. From January 2021 onwards, monthly online lectures will shed a spotlight on recent research and ideas from the field of historical network...
HNR YouTube Channel
If you've missed the HNR2020 keynote event or one of the lunch lectures or want to watch it again, you can find the videos on the HNR YouTube-channel! Online so far (playlists): The HNR 2020 keynotes and trailers The HNR lunch lectures (to be updated...
Job offer: Expert in network science or the dynamics of complex systems (m/f/d)
The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science Department I (Structural Changes in Systems of Knowledge), Director: Prof. Jürgen Renn, is seeking to employ an Expert in network science or the dynamics of complex systems (m/f/d) from May 1st, 2021 for a maximum of...
CfP: Framing Innovation in a Networked World: An Interdisciplinary Workshop, 2-3 September 2021 (deadline: 29 March 2021)
This Call for Papers may be of interest to members of the HNR community. The workshop, to be held in Rotterdam on 2-3 September 2021, will explore from an interdisciplinary perspective how living in an increasingly connected world has changed the way of making and...
Five postdoc / PhD positions for historians in the Dissident Networks Project
via David Zbíral: The Dissident Networks Project (DISSINET, - an ERC Consolidator Grant-funded research initiative based at Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic) - opens a call for five research positions in the computational study of...
HNR Lunch Lecture Henrike Rudolph (Febr 18): (Re)Constructing Historical Narratives from Collective Biographies
Dear all, The Historical Network Research community is pleased to announce another event in the HNR Lunch Lectures Series. From January 2021 onwards, monthly online lectures will shed a spotlight on recent research and ideas from the field of historical network...