We are happy to announce the second issue of the Journal of Historical Network Research: Searching for hidden bridges in co-occurrence networks from Javanese wayang kulitAndrew Johnathan Schauf, Miguel Escobar Varela Family network of emerging Jewish...
Categories: Event | Call for papers | Job | Announcement
Sunbelt Session mit dem Thema “Events, Situations and Small Networks”
via SNA-DE: Liebe Netzwerkgemeinde, wir möchten Sie auf die von Iris Clemens und mir organisierte Session auf der Sunbelt in Montreal hinweisen. Abstracts in den genannten Themenfeldern sind willkommen! Herzliche Grüße und schönes Wochenende Christian Stegbauer...
Call: 10th Winter School on Longitudinal Social Network Analysis and AdSUM-2019
In the week of January 14-18, 2019 , the University of Groningen's Department of Sociology is again offering workshops on longitudinal social network analysis focused around the RSiena software. Organisers of this edition are Christian Steglich and Robert Krause....
persons in historical networks – call for papers (in French), Rennes, 17-18 octobre 2019
via Claire Lemercier: Dear all, You will find below the call for papers for the 5th French-speaking conference on networks in history (history being loosely defined as "the past" here, archaeologists and colleagues in other disciplines are welcome). Passive...
Graph Technologies in the Digital Humanities: Modelling, Access, Comparison, Mainz, 18–19 January 2019
via Andreas Kuczera: Graph Technologies in the Digital Humanities: Modelling, Access, Comparison Call for papers for a two day international exploratory conference organized by the Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur in Mainz, 18–19 January 2019....
CfP “Network Analysis, Computational Modelling and Simulation in the Study of Religions”
via David Zbíral: Dear colleagues, at the EASR 2019 conference, to be held in Tartu, Estonia, 25-29 June 2019 (see https://easr2019.org/), Aleš Chalupa and myself organize an open panel entitled "Network Analysis, Computational Modelling and Simulation in the...
Job: Gerda Henkel Fellowship for Digital History at RRCHNM & GHI Washington
via Bryan Hart: Gerda Henkel Fellowship for Digital History With the generous support of the Gerda Henkel Foundation, the German Historical Institute (GHI) and the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at the George Mason University (RRCHNM) invite...
Job: Research Associate For quantitative network analysis of appointment diaries
via Neil Rollings: Research Associate For quantitative network analysis of appointment diaries Reference Number 022838 Location Gilmorehill Campus / Main Building College / Service COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Department SCHOOL OF SOCIAL & POLITICAL SCIENCES Job...
POLNET 23-24.11 – Einführung in die Netzwerkanalyse für Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaftler*innen
via SNA-DE: Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen, der diesjährige POLNET - Einführungskurs in die quantitative Netzwerkanalyse für Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaftler*innen findet am 23. und 24. November 2018 an der Universität Konstanz statt. Er wird von...
Call for Participation: Network Analysis + Digital Art History A Getty Advanced Workshop, Pittsburgh starting July 29–August 2, 2019
via Scott Weingart: Network Analysis + Digital Art History A Getty Advanced Workshop Call for Participation Workshop Schedule One-week convening, July 29–August 2, 2019 Monthly virtual convenings, Fall–Spring 2019–2020 Two-week convening, June 22–July 3, 2020...
Call: 10th Winter School on Longitudinal Social Network Analysis and AdSUM-2019
vis SNA-DE: In the week of January 14-18, 2019, the University of Groningen's Department of Sociology is again offering workshops on longitudinal social network analysis focused around the RSiena software. Organisers of this edition are Christian Steglich and Robert...
Call for abstracts: Words and Networks session at NASN 2018, 27-30 Nov, in Washington, DC
via SNA-DE: Call for abstracts for “Words and Networks” session at 2nd North American Social Network Conference (NASN) of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) Date and place: 27-30 November 2018, Washington, DC Session abstract: This...
The program for the 2018 HNR Conference in Brno is out
We are very happy to share the link to this year's HNR conference program. You will find (again) a varied and very exciting collection of papers on network topics across the spectrum of the historical research disciplines and Archaeology which is also mirrored in the...
PhD funding correspondence networks
via Tom Brughmans, The Networks Network: A great opportunity for a funded PhD in historical network research. More info here and below. As part of an innovative collaboration between Oxford and the Sorbonne, the Cultures of Knowledge's Early Modern Letters...
Workshop: Data Modelling with Nodegoat in Hannover, GER 18. – 20.1.2018
via Meike Beyer: Leibniz Universität Hannover Romanisches Seminar Anja Bandau, Meike Beyer, Mark Minnes, Natascha Rempel Ankündigung Workshop: Data Modelling with Nodegoat Am 20.1.2019 wird an der Leibniz Universität Hannover im Rahmen der Tagung...
Postdoc position on Network Analysis and modelling in Prehistoric Archaeology
Via the Networks-Network: Dear list members, find attached a call for applications for a postdoc fellowship within the ERC project "Late Glacial and Postglacial Population History and Cultural Transmission in Iberia (c.15,000-8000 cal BP)" (PALEODEM). Please do...
Job: PhD position in the Program in Mathematics dedicated to the creation of multilayer network models for humanities.
via Matteo Valleriani: Dear friends and colleagues, and friends of the Sphere, I would like to inform you that the University of Trento (Faculty of Mathematics) just published the call for one PhD position in the Program in Mathematics dedicated to the creation...
Last-minute call POLNET+ Summer School “Ego-Network Analysis: Data and Methods” 6-7 July, Constance, Germany
via Martin Stark: Last-minute call for this year's POLNET+ Summer School for "Ego-Network Analysis: Data and Methods" in Constance, Germany. There are still a few seats available. The quintessence of networking has always been that individuals or organizations...
12. Trierer Summer School on Social Network Analysis
Below the call for participants to the next Trier Summer School on Social Network Analysis, which as every year is highly recommended and will also feature a workshop on the manual extraction of network data from unstructured text. Liebe Kolleginnen, liebe...
CfP: Connecting Mediterranean and Atlantic History. 2nd meeting of the Atlantic Italies Network
Call for papers Connecting Mediterranean and Atlantic History. 2nd meeting of the Atlantic Italies Network A conference organized by the Centre de la Méditerranée Moderne et Contemporaine (Nice) with the generous support of the Municipality of Nice and the Institut...