Dear all, this announcement might be of interest to some people on this list: Save the date for The Connected Past: Artefactual Intelligence September 29-30 2021, Aarhus University The conference is expected to be held as a hybrid event and will be preceded by a...
Categories: Event | Call for papers | Job | Announcement
HNR Lunch Lecture Diane Harris Cline (March 18, 4-5 pm CET)
Dear all, The Historical Network Research community is pleased to announce another event in the HNR Lunch Lectures Series. From January 2021 onwards, monthly online lectures will shed a spotlight on recent research and ideas from the field of historical network...
HNR Lunch Lecture Henrike Rudolph (Febr 18): (Re)Constructing Historical Narratives from Collective Biographies
Dear all, The Historical Network Research community is pleased to announce another event in the HNR Lunch Lectures Series. From January 2021 onwards, monthly online lectures will shed a spotlight on recent research and ideas from the field of historical network...
Save the Date: Digital Approaches to Early Modern Studies (February 9, 2021)
Dear all, The Centre for Early Modern Studies in Limerick organizes a symposium series on Digital Approaches to Early Modern Studies. The first symposium on February 9 will focus on Network and Circulation Analysis and Visualisation. For details & registration:...
Reminder: Historical Network Research Lunch Lectures (starting January 21, 2021)
Dear all, This is a gentle reminder that the registration deadline for our upcoming Historical Network Research lunch lecture on Thursday January 21, is approaching: 15.1.2021. See below for more detailed information. HNR Lunch Lecture Series From January 2021...
Reminder: CfP Historical Networks – Réseaux Historiques – Historische Netzwerke 2021
Dear all, this is a gentle reminder that the submission deadline is fast approaching: 15.1.2021. Please submit abstracts (detailed info below) via: To contact the organisers, please email...
Save the date: Graph Technologies in the Humanities: 2021 Virtual Symposium on February 9, 2021
Dear all, this announcement might be of interest to some people on this list: Graph Technologies in the Humanities 2021 Virtual Symposium on February 9, 2021 We are delighted to announce that the 2021 edition of the annual "Graph Technologies in the Humanities" will...
Launch: Historical Network Research Lunch Lectures (starting January 21, 2021)
Dear all, The Historical Network Research community is pleased to announce the HNR Lunch Lectures Series. From January 2021 onwards, monthly online lectures will shed a spotlight on recent research and ideas from the field of historical network analysis to promote...
Virtual Forum: Jews, Christians, and Muslims as Colleagues and Collaborators in the Abbasid Near East
Registration is now open for the virtual forum Jews, Christians, and Muslims as Colleagues and Collaborators in the Abbasid Near East, which will take place as 9 sessions (18 presentations) between October 20th and December 11th. The presentations listed below involve...
BarCamp: Theoretical Reflections on Graph Technologies (11.11.2020, German)
Dear all, even though the event is in German, this might be of interest for some people on this list: Von Knoten und Kanten zu Gedanken: Theoretische Reflexionen zu Graphentechnologien Ein virtuelles Barcamp der AG Theorie & AG Graphentechnologien des DHd Verbands...
Reminder: Virtual keynote event HNR 2020, June 19th 2020
Dear all, This is a gentle reminder that the registration for the virtual keynote event of the Historical Network Research Conference is fast approaching: June 17, 2020. For details about the program please check the information below: After all the cancellations of...
Save the Date: Virtual keynote event of HNR 2020, June 19th 2020
Dear all, After all the cancellations of events due to COVID-19, we are pleased to announce that the HNR 2020 conference may be moved to 2021, but the keynotes will be delivered online this year! On June 19th, our three keynote speakers have kindly agreed to record...
Onderzoeksbijeenkomst CIAW: Networking in the Ancient World (May 1, 2020)
This might be of interest for people on this list: OIKOS Cultural Interactions in the Ancient World Annual Meeting Networking the Ancient World 1 May, 2020 – ONLINE After all the cancellations of events due to the coronavirus, we are pleased to announce that the CIAW...
Summer School Digital Prosopography, Vienna 6.-10.7.2020
Via Georg Vogeler: Dear historical networkers, the ACDH-CH at Austrian Academy of Science invites you to participate in a Summer School on Digital Prosopography. It will take place in Vienna, 06-10. July 2020 and include courses on data creation, modelling with...
Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences, 20.07.2020 – 30.07.2020
Dear all, this might be of interest: The Berlin Summer School in Social Sciences connects to a growing field of study which has developed over the past few years demonstrating a renewed interest in basic theoretical and methodological questions in the social...
Summer school complex networks, Salina 5-12.9.2020
via Tom Brughmans, The Networks' Network: We are calling for applications from students and young researchers in Network Science for the 7th edition of the Mediterranean School of Complex Networks, which will take place in Salina (Italy), 5-12 Sep 2020. Early...
Save the date: HNR conference 2020, June 17-19 2020, Luxembourg
Save the date: Historical Network Research conference 2020, June 17-19 2020, Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg) Dear colleagues, As the end of this year is closing in, we’re already looking forward to 2020: Save the date for the 6th Historical Network Research conference...
POLNET Einführungskurs quantitative Netzwerkanalyse 29. und 30. November Universität Konstanz
..this will for sure be of interest to people on this list: Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen, der diesjährige POLNET - Einführungskurs in die quantitative Netzwerkanalyse für Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaftler*innen findet am 29. und 30....
Conf: Biographien, Netzwerke und Mobilität, 17. – 18. October 2019, Vienna
Dear all, this conference will surely be of interest for HNR people: Tagungsprogramm Donnerstag, 17.10.2019 17:00-17:15 Registrierung 17:15–17:30 Begrüßung 17:30-18:00 Präsentation des APIS-Projekts...
Conf: La Personne en question dans les réseaux, Université Rennes 2, 17-18 octobre 2019
via ResHist: Programme en format pdf (avec plan d’accès). Les textes des différentes communications seront disponibles sur cette même page mi-septembre. Jeudi 17 octobre (Bât N, N 104) 9h 30 – 13h 00 : Michaël Gasperoni (CR CNRS-CRM), Cyril Grange (DR CNRS), Benoît...