The Journal of Historical Network Research
(Open Access)
Categories: Event | Call for papers | Job | Announcement
Out now: The second issue of the Journal of Historical Network Research
We are happy to announce the second issue of the Journal of Historical Network Research: Searching for hidden bridges in co-occurrence networks from Javanese wayang kulitAndrew Johnathan...
Sunbelt Session mit dem Thema “Events, Situations and Small Networks”
via SNA-DE: Liebe Netzwerkgemeinde, wir möchten Sie auf die von Iris Clemens und mir organisierte Session auf der Sunbelt in Montreal hinweisen. Abstracts in den genannten Themenfeldern sind...
Call: 10th Winter School on Longitudinal Social Network Analysis and AdSUM-2019
In the week of January 14-18, 2019 , the University of Groningen's Department of Sociology is again offering workshops on longitudinal social network analysis focused around the RSiena software....
persons in historical networks – call for papers (in French), Rennes, 17-18 octobre 2019
via Claire Lemercier: Dear all, You will find below the call for papers for the 5th French-speaking conference on networks in history (history being loosely defined as "the past" here,...
Graph Technologies in the Digital Humanities: Modelling, Access, Comparison, Mainz, 18–19 January 2019
via Andreas Kuczera: Graph Technologies in the Digital Humanities: Modelling, Access, Comparison Call for papers for a two day international exploratory conference organized by the Akademie...
CfP “Network Analysis, Computational Modelling and Simulation in the Study of Religions”
via David Zbíral: Dear colleagues, at the EASR 2019 conference, to be held in Tartu, Estonia, 25-29 June 2019 (see, Aleš Chalupa and myself organize an open panel...