The Journal of Historical Network Research
(Open Access)
Categories: Event | Call for papers | Job | Announcement
Job: Tenured Professorship in Digital Humanities; literary history & networks
This should be of interest: Tenured Professorship in Digital Humanities salary grade: W 2 | reference code: DigitalHum Working field: The professorship is part of the Cluster of...
Reminder: CfP Historical Network Research Conference 2020 in Luxembourg
Dear all, this is a gentle reminder that the submission deadline is fast approaching: 20.2.2020 Please submit abstracts (detailed info below) via:
Cfp: The Connected Past 2020: Artefactual Intelligence, September 24-25, Aarhus University
Via Tom Brughmans: We are delighted to announce the next connected past conference (networks and complexity in archaeology and history), which will take place in Aarhus Denmark on 24-25...
Summer school complex networks, Salina 5-12.9.2020
via Tom Brughmans, The Networks' Network: We are calling for applications from students and young researchers in Network Science for the 7th edition of the Mediterranean School of Complex...
Call for Papers HNR2020 in Luxembourg
The Historical Network Research community is very pleased to announce the call for papers for the next Historical Network Research conference which will take place at the University of Luxembourg,...
CfP:Networks and the study of the human past at the 2020 Sunbelt conference in Paris
Dear All, please consider submitting an abstract for the Paris Sunbelt 2020 session on Networks and the study of the human past. Deadline: 31 January 2020 Organizers: Julie Birkholz (Ghent...