The Journal of Historical Network Research
(Open Access)
Categories: Event | Call for papers | Job | Announcement
Virtual Forum: Jews, Christians, and Muslims as Colleagues and Collaborators in the Abbasid Near East
Registration is now open for the virtual forum Jews, Christians, and Muslims as Colleagues and Collaborators in the Abbasid Near East, which will take place as 9 sessions (18 presentations) between...
BarCamp: Theoretical Reflections on Graph Technologies (11.11.2020, German)
Dear all, even though the event is in German, this might be of interest for some people on this list: Von Knoten und Kanten zu Gedanken: Theoretische Reflexionen zu Graphentechnologien Ein...
Cfp: Virtual Forum Jews, Christians, and Muslims as Colleagues and Collaborators in the Abbasid Near East
This CfP might be of interest for people on this list (from Nathan Gibson, LMU Munich). Contributions on network analysis are explicitly welcome! Call for Papers – Virtual Forum Jews, Christians,...
Call for Papers for Issue #5 of the Journal of Historical Network Research
Dear all, We are inviting submissions of papers to be considered for publication in the fifth issue of the Journal of Historical Network Research, which will be published in spring 2021. The...
Reminder: Virtual keynote event HNR 2020, June 19th 2020
Dear all, This is a gentle reminder that the registration for the virtual keynote event of the Historical Network Research Conference is fast approaching: June 17, 2020. For details about the...
Reminder: Call for Paper for Special issue on Chinese Historical Networks (deadline: June 1)
Dear all, This is a gentle reminder that the deadline for abstract submissions to the special Issue on Chinese Historical Networks in the Journal of Historical Network Research is fast approaching:...