Dear member of the HNR community,
Via prof. Margherita Fantoli:
Dear all,
in the frame of the recently funded research project NIKAW (KU Leuven) (Onderzoeksportaal (, we are looking for one PhD candidate working on the application of SNA to the mention of names in classical literature. More info and the link for applying can be found here: Vacatures (
Both PhDs will work in a broad collaborative setup (the team includes Mark Depauw, Alek Keersmaekers, Bart Thijs, Toon Van Hal, Tim Van De Cruys, and myself).
We offer one 100% fellowship as a PhD student starting as soon as the candidate is available (ideally, this fall). The call is open until September 8th.
Do not hesitate to forward this to potential candidates and to contact me ( for any questions.