HNR wants you: The Historical Network Research community is looking for contributors

Founded in 2009, the Historical Network Research community has a long track record of promoting the adoption and adaptation of methods derived from social network analysis and network science in the historical disciplines. Amongst the core activities of HNR are the organisation of international conferences, workshops, lunch lectures, a newsletter, the creation and maintenance of a bibliography, with JHNR an associated peer reviewed open-access journal and most recently the launch of the Barcelona Past Networks summer school ( in cooperation with colleagues of the Connected Past network. For more information about HNR, please visit the website:

In its 15th year, HNR is looking for volunteer contributors for fixed term mandates to help ensure that these services to the community can be upheld in the future. If you care deeply about networks and history and like to work both independently and as part of an international team: do get in touch with us. At this stage, we are looking to fill the following positions:

  • Editor Early Modern History for the Journal of Historical Network Research (JHNR)
  • Review Editor for the Journal of Historical Network Research (JHNR)
  • HNR Communication Coordinator & Outreach
  • HNR Vice coordinator Communication & Outreach
  • HNR Webmaster
  • Coordinator HNR Bibliography
  • Members of the HNR Bibliography Task Force
  • Coordinator HNR Seminar series
  • Vice Coordinator HNR Seminar series
  • Vice Coordinator HNR Conferences and Workshops
  • Members of the JHNR and the HNR Conference Reviewer pool

Mandates for contributors run for between one and two years with the possibility of extension.

To apply for any of the HNR-related positions listed below, please email a current CV with an indication of which position is of interest to you to Applications are possible until 30 August 2024.


HNR Board


HNR Communication Coordinator & Outreach

As the Communication Coordinator for HNR, you’ll be the central hub for gathering, curating, and disseminating information about upcoming events, calls for participation, job opportunities, and other pertinent updates within the historical network research community. Your role is pivotal in ensuring that these updates reach our community promptly through our newsletter and social media platforms. Additionally, you’ll collaborate closely with the Communications & Outreach team to streamline task assignments and maintain a cohesive communication strategy.

In this role, you’ll have the autonomy to implement changes as you see fit. Whether it’s establishing a regular newsletter schedule, providing recaps of recent news and publications from JHNR and beyond, or strategizing the expansion of our social media presence, you’ll have the freedom to drive initiatives that enhance community engagement. Ideally, you’ll bring prior experience in press offices or science communication to this multifaceted position.

For more information about the position, do not hesitate to contact Cindarella Petz at


HNR Vice coordinator Communication & Outreach 

The Communications & Outreach mandate works hand in hand with the Communication Coordinator role, contributing to the dissemination of news, announcements, and opportunities within the historical network research community. In this capacity, you’ll actively seek out relevant information such as upcoming events, calls for submissions, job openings, and more, ensuring that these updates reach our HNR community through our newsletter and social media platforms.

This position presents a valuable opportunity for early career historical network researchers interested in science communication to enrich their CV. By engaging in outreach efforts and facilitating communication within our community, you’ll not only expand your professional network but also hone essential skills in effective dissemination and engagement strategies.

For more information about the position, do not hesitate to contact Cindarella Petz at


HNR Webmaster

As the HNR Webmaster, you’ll play a crucial role in the upkeep of While content creation may be part of your responsibilities, your primary focus will be on maintaining the functionality and integrity of the website infrastructure. Our current platform utilizes the WordPress CMS and the Divi template, so proficiency in WordPress is essential. Additionally, you should possess fundamental knowledge of domain management and web hosting to ensure seamless operation.

In addition to your technical expertise, basic knowledge (or the willingness to acquire it) in vector graphics and image editing software is required to create visually appealing assets for the website. Your ability to troubleshoot technical issues, manage site updates, and optimize user experience will be paramount in ensuring the continued success of our online presence.

For more information about the position, do not hesitate to contact Martin Grandjean at


Coordinator HNR Bibliography

The HNR Bibliography Coordinator plays a crucial role in maintaining and updating the HNR community’s vital knowledge base. Your responsibilities include actively participating in the daily monitoring and addition of bibliographic references within the HNR Zotero group. However, your primary focus will be on overseeing the work of our volunteer team, known as the HNR Bibliography Task Force.

This role requires a strong familiarity with Zotero and the literature surrounding historical network research. In the immediate future, you’ll be responsible for establishing and organizing the volunteer team, as well as refining our working methods. A key ongoing project involves the reorganization of references using tags, which you will spearhead alongside the task force.

Once the initial implementation phase is complete, your role will transition to a more supervisory capacity, requiring less hands-on involvement but still maintaining oversight to ensure the continued effectiveness of our bibliography efforts.

For more information about the position, do not hesitate to contact Martin Grandjean at


Members of the HNR Bibliography Task Force

Members of the HNR Bibliography Task Force are dedicated volunteers committed to updating our community’s Zotero library. This role requires staying informed about recent publications in historical network analysis and possessing a solid understanding of Zotero’s functionality. Task force members will primarily focus on adding new references to the library while gradually implementing a tagging system to classify existing references.

Volunteers have the flexibility to work at their own pace, with oversight and guidance from the coordinator. This role is well-suited for individuals who are eager to stay updated on the latest developments in the field and are actively involved in or preparing to publish their work in this area. Participating in the task force provides an opportunity to refine one’s knowledge and stay at the forefront of historical network analysis research.

For more information about the position, do not hesitate to contact Martin Grandjean at


Coordinator HNR Seminar series

The Coordinator of the HNR Seminar Series is responsible for the organization and execution of our monthly online seminar series. This involves reaching out to potential speakers, issuing calls for papers, managing submissions, scheduling speakers throughout the year, promoting seminars, and moderating sessions. Additionally, you’ll collaborate closely with other HNR committee members, particularly the Communication Coordinator, Workshop and Conference Coordinator, and Vice Coordinator of the Seminar Series.

The ideal candidate for this position is highly organized, adept at communication, and capable of efficient collaboration with team members. Previous experience in event or seminar organization, including managing calls for papers and promoting sessions, is preferred. Commitment to hosting and moderating monthly sessions is essential.

Given that the seminar series is undergoing a relaunch in 2024/2025, there’s ample room for innovation and creativity. As the coordinator, you’ll have the opportunity to introduce new initiatives and ideas to enhance the series. Currently, the HNR Seminar Series will run monthly from September to December and February to May, featuring invited keynote speakers and graduate lightning talk sessions. It’s expected that you’ll curate a diverse lineup of speakers from various fields, locations, and career stages to foster a vibrant and inclusive seminar environment.

For more information about the position, do not hesitate to contact Caitlin Burge at


Vice Coordinator HNR Seminar series

As the Vice Coordinator of the HNR Seminar Series, your primary role is to provide essential support to the coordinator in organising and executing the monthly online seminar series. This multifaceted position encompasses various tasks, including contacting invited speakers, initiating a call for papers at the beginning of the academic year, managing and evaluating submissions, scheduling speakers throughout the year, and promoting the seminars as needed, in consultation with the coordinator.

The ideal candidate for this role is well-organised, possesses strong communication skills, and collaborates efficiently with other team members, particularly the coordinator. While prior experience in event organisation or seminar management is advantageous, it is not a strict requirement for the vice coordinator position.

Expect your busiest period to be in the summer when launching the call for papers for the upcoming academic year. However, your support will be needed throughout the year as necessary. Additionally, the vice coordinator role may serve as a stepping-stone to the full coordinator position, although this progression is not obligatory.

The HNR Seminar Series is scheduled to run once a month from September to December and February to May, featuring an invited keynote speaker and a graduate lightning talks session. As part of your responsibilities, you’ll be expected to curate a diverse lineup of speakers from various fields, locations, and career stages to foster a rich and inclusive seminar experience for our community.

For more information about the position, do not hesitate to contact Caitlin Burge at


Vice Coordinator HNR Conferences and Workshops

The Vice Coordinator of HNR Conferences and Workshops collaborates closely with the main coordinator, Demival Vasques Filho, to facilitate upcoming events within the HNR community. Your role involves providing support to local organisers of conferences, workshops, and academic gatherings, including sessions at major conferences like NetSci and Sunbelt.

Responsibilities include assisting with venue selection, coordinating with speakers and presenters, managing event logistics, and ensuring seamless operation throughout. The ideal candidate will bring experience in event coordination, strong organisational skills, and a collaborative spirit to the role.

This is an exciting opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to the HNR community and play a pivotal role in fostering valuable scholarly exchanges.

For more information about the position, do not hesitate to contact Demival Vasques Filho at


JHNR Editorial Board

Since 2017 the open access journal JHNR publishes outstanding and original research which applies the theories and methodologies of network analysis to historical research, helps advance the epistemological and theoretical understanding of network analysis in the historical, social and political sciences, and promotes empirical research on historical social interactions.

To complete the editorial board, we are looking for a new editor for Early Modern History and a new Review editor. All JHNR editors contribute to the overall development of the journal and are expected to take an active role in shaping its future development. To this end, editors commit to attending monthly meetings of the editorial board.

Editor Early Modern History

Candidates should have a strong track record in publishing network-based research and expertise in the Early Modern period. As part of the JHNR editorial board, editors will be responsible to guide paper submissions in their domain from initial screening, through the coordination of the review until publication. 

Review Editor

Successful candidates should have a strong track record in publishing network-based research in one of the historical or archaeological subdisciplines. As part of the JHNR editorial board, editors will be responsible to identify publications which are relevant for the journal’s readership including recent publications, research software and datasets. To this end they will liaise with publishers, identify suitable reviewers and guide reviews until the publication phase. 

For more information about either position, do not hesitate to contact the us via email at

Member of the JHNR and the HNR Conference Reviewer pool

Members of the Reviewers Pool offer their expertise to HNR conference organizers and the JHNR editorial committee by volunteering to review abstracts or articles. This task is infrequent, providing a light and flexible way for individuals to contribute their skills and experience in the field of historical network research to the community.

Participating in the Reviewers Pool allows individuals to make occasional contributions, leveraging their knowledge to support the scholarly endeavours of the community. It’s an opportunity to engage with cutting-edge research and play a valuable role in maintaining the quality and rigour of academic discourse within the field. We welcome researchers from diverse periods, historical disciplines, and related fields of study.

For more information about reviewer positions, do not hesitate to contact Demival Vasques Filho (HNR Conferences) at and the JHNR editors at

To register as reviewer for either JHNR or the HNR Conferences, please register here: 

Published by Cindarella Petz
May 17, 2024

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