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10th Winter School on Longitudinal Social Network Analysis and AdSUM-2019
January 14, 2019 - January 18, 2019
In the week of January 14-18, 2019 , the University of Groningen’s Department of Sociology is again offering workshops on longitudinal social network analysis focused around the RSiena software. Organisers of this edition are Christian Steglich and Robert Krause. There are two modules that you can register for independently:
1. The 10th Winter School on Longitudinal Social Network Analysis will take place Monday till Wednesday. It introduces participants to the analysis of longitudinal, group-centered network data by way of stochastic, actor-based models (Snijders, van de Bunt & Steglich, 2010), and to the analysis of peer influence processes taking place in such dynamically changing networks (Steglich, Snijders & Pearson, 2010). Objective of the Winter School is that course participants develop an understanding of the models, familiarise themselves with the use of the RSiena software for model estimation, and learn how to tell a good model specification from a bad one. The Winter School will be taught by Christian Steglich with support by Robert Krause. Participation in this introductory module should be sufficient preparation for following the advanced one.
2. The AdSUM-2019 Advanced Siena Users’ Meeting will take place on Thursday and Friday. It will on the one hand address advanced topics and introduce to new developments in RSiena, such as the multilevel analysis of multi-group data with the help of random effects models instantiated in the sienaBayes function. Teacher of this part is Tom Snijders. On the other hand, there will be a Master Class in which papers of participants are discussed. The procedure for the master class is as follows: Abstracts of participants that would like to present a paper can be submitted before 10th of December. Within one week after this deadline, authors will be informed about acceptance. For accepted abstracts, the authors are expected to submit papers for discussion until 1st of January. The papers should have a length of no more than 12 pages, and be accompanied with an R-script and data, so the analysis can be reproduced. Paper discussants will include Tom Snijders and Christian Steglich.
For both parts of the Winter School, researchers who are in the process of collecting or analysing own longitudinal data sets are especially welcome to participate and, if possible, bring their own data. For participants without own data, many sample data sets will be made available.
Registration is now open at http://steglich.gmw.rug.nl/workshops/Groningen2019-call.htm ; registration closes 10th of December, 2018.
If you have any questions related to this event, don’t hesitate to contact us!
Christian Steglich c.e.g.steglich@rug.nl
Robert Krause r.w.krause@rug.nl