We are very happy to remind you of the call for papers for this year's Historical Network Research Conference in Brno. The submission deadline is coming up: 31st March 2018 For details please check the information below and the conference website at...
Categories: Event | Call for papers | Job | Announcement
CFP: Reconstructing Historical Network Digitally. New Approaches, Opportunities and Epistemological Implications of Social Network Analysis – Washington DC 10/18
via Martin Stark: German Historical Institute 25.10.2018-27.10.2018, Washington DC, Washington DC Deadline: 12.04.2018 Third Annual GHI Conference on Digital Humanities and Digital History International Conference and Workshop at the German Historical Institute...
Reminder: Call for Papers for Issue #2 of the Journal of Historical Network Research, Deadline 1st May 2018
This is to remind everybody that the deadline for submissions for the second issue of the Journal of Historical Network Research is coming up May 1st 2018: We are inviting submissions of papers to be considered for publication in the second issue of the Journal of...
Program published for the 12th Historical Network Research Workshop in Bremen 20-21 April 2018
We are very happy to publish the program for the next HNR workshop organized by Matthias Bixler and Erik Koenen: Workshop-Tagung, veranstaltet vom Forschernetzwerk „Historical Network Research“ und dem Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung...
Summer School in Social Network Analysis, Manchester, July 2-13
Via Elisa Bellotti, SOCNET: Dear colleagues The Mitchell Centre for Social Network Analysis at the University of Manchester is organising two modules on SNA for the annual summer school of Methods@Manchester. Info and registrations are available at...
Seventh Int. Conference on Complex Networks & Their Applications Cambridge, UK Dec. 11- 13, 2018
via Hocine Cherifi: Apologies for any cross posting Seventh Int. Conference on Complex Networks & Their Applications Cambridge, UK Dec. 11- 13, 2018 http://www.complexnetworks.org/ You are cordially invited to submit your contribution until September 04, 2018....
CFP: Knotenpunkte – Universitaetssammlungen und ihre Netzwerke – Mainz 02/18
Via Estelle Bunout: From: Vera Hierholzer Date: 14.02.2018 Subject: CFP: Knotenpunkte - Universitätssammlungen und ihre Netzwerke - Mainz 02/18 Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (JGU) Gesellschaft für Universitätssammlungen e.V. (GfU) 14.02.2018, Mainz,...
Call for papers “Networks in Peril. Destruction, Subversion and Sabotage (XIXth-XXIth Century)”
Via Valerie Schafer: Dear colleagues, Perhaps this call for papers for a special issue that I'm coediting may be of interest for you. Please feel free to circulate this CFP to your networks. Best regards, Valérie Schafer Call for Papers - Special issue of the French...
CfP: 12. Workshop Historische Netzwerkforschung 20.-21.4.2018 in Bremen
We are very happy to announce the call for papers for the 12th HNR workshop which will take place in Bremen, Germany 20. - 21. April 2018. We would also like to thank the organisers Erik Koenen and Matthias Bixler for hosting the workshop series. If you would like to...