We are very happy to publish the program for the next HNR workshop organized by Matthias Bixler and Erik Koenen: Workshop-Tagung, veranstaltet vom Forschernetzwerk „Historical Network Research“ und dem Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung...
Categories: Event | Call for papers | Job | Announcement
Summer School in Social Network Analysis, Manchester, July 2-13
Via Elisa Bellotti, SOCNET: Dear colleagues The Mitchell Centre for Social Network Analysis at the University of Manchester is organising two modules on SNA for the annual summer school of Methods@Manchester. Info and registrations are available at...
Seventh Int. Conference on Complex Networks & Their Applications Cambridge, UK Dec. 11- 13, 2018
via Hocine Cherifi: Apologies for any cross posting Seventh Int. Conference on Complex Networks & Their Applications Cambridge, UK Dec. 11- 13, 2018 http://www.complexnetworks.org/ You are cordially invited to submit your contribution until September 04, 2018....
CFP: Knotenpunkte – Universitaetssammlungen und ihre Netzwerke – Mainz 02/18
Via Estelle Bunout: From: Vera Hierholzer Date: 14.02.2018 Subject: CFP: Knotenpunkte - Universitätssammlungen und ihre Netzwerke - Mainz 02/18 Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (JGU) Gesellschaft für Universitätssammlungen e.V. (GfU) 14.02.2018, Mainz,...
Call for papers “Networks in Peril. Destruction, Subversion and Sabotage (XIXth-XXIth Century)”
Via Valerie Schafer: Dear colleagues, Perhaps this call for papers for a special issue that I'm coediting may be of interest for you. Please feel free to circulate this CFP to your networks. Best regards, Valérie Schafer Call for Papers - Special issue of the French...
CfP: 12. Workshop Historische Netzwerkforschung 20.-21.4.2018 in Bremen
We are very happy to announce the call for papers for the 12th HNR workshop which will take place in Bremen, Germany 20. - 21. April 2018. We would also like to thank the organisers Erik Koenen and Matthias Bixler for hosting the workshop series. If you would like to...