
Summer School in Social Network Analysis, Manchester, July 2-13

Via Elisa Bellotti, SOCNET: Dear colleagues The Mitchell Centre for Social Network Analysis at the University of Manchester is organising two modules on SNA for the annual summer school of Methods@Manchester. Info and registrations are available at...

CfP: 12. Workshop Historische Netzwerkforschung 20.-21.4.2018 in Bremen

CfP: 12. Workshop Historische Netzwerkforschung 20.-21.4.2018 in Bremen

We are very happy to announce the call for papers for the 12th HNR workshop which will take place in Bremen, Germany 20. - 21. April 2018. We would also like to thank the organisers Erik Koenen and Matthias Bixler for hosting the workshop series. If you would like to...