Dear member of the HNR community, This Call for Papers may be of interest to you or your colleagues, via Dr Caitlin Burge: — CALL FOR PAPERS — ‘Our Interlocked Universe’: Sociohistorical Network Analysis; Methods, Applications, and New Directions University of...
Categories: Event | Call for papers | Job | Announcement
CfP: Network Analysis for Medieval Studies, International Medieval Congress (University of Leeds, 1-4 July 2024)
Dear member of the HNR community, This CfP might be of interest to you, via dr. Matthew Hammond: CALL FOR PAPERS DEADLINE: 18 September 2023 International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, 1-4 July 2024 Social Network Analysis Researchers of the Middle...
Reminder: CfP GrapHNR 2023 – joint conference of the HNR community and Graphs & Networks in the Humanities
Dear all, this is a gentle reminder that the submission deadline is fast approaching: 26.2.2023. Please note that the submission deadline will not be extended! Please submit abstracts (detailed info below) via To...
CfP: GrapHNR 2023 – joint conference of the HNR community and Graphs & Networks in the Humanities, 18.–21.07.2023, Mainz
GrapHNR 2023 Graphs and Networks in the fourth dimension – time and temporality as categories of connectedness We are very pleased to announce the call for papers for GrapHNR 2023, a joint conference of the Historical Network Research community and Graphs &...
CfP: CAA 2023 session ‘A Bridge too Far: Heritage, Historical and Criminal Network Research’
Dear member of the HNR community, This Call for Paper may be of interest, via dr. Lena Tambs: Call for papers: CAA 2023 (Amsterdam), Session 32 ‘A Bridge too Far: Heritage, Historical and Criminal Network Research’ Please consider submitting an abstract to the...
CfP: SKILLNET International Conference 17-18 Nov 2022: Digital approaches to the Republic of Letters: network research, text mining, and infrastructures
Dear member of the HNR community, This Call for Papers might be of interest: SKILLNET International Conference 17-18 Nov 2022 Digital approaches to the Republic of Letters: network research, text mining, and infrastructures Utrecht University, 17-18...
CfP Computing the Past: Computational approaches to the dynamics of cultures and societies (6-8 October 2022, Plzeň)
Dear members of the HNR community, this Call for Papers might be of interest: Computing the Past: Computational approaches to the dynamics of cultures and societies to take place in Plzeň, Czech Republic on October 6-8, 2022 Call for papers Digitized...
CfP: Similarity, Selection and Influence. A Cross-Disciplinary Symposium on Homophily in Social Networks (7-8 July 2022)
Dear member of the HNR community, This Call for Papers might be of interest, via Silvia Donkers (Groningen University): Call for Papers Similarity, Selection and Influence A Cross-Disciplinary Symposium on Homophily in Social Networks 7 and 8 July 2022 |...
Call for Papers: The Connected Past Conference (September 1-2, 2022)
Dear all, This CfP might be interesting to members of the HNR community: CALL FOR PAPERS The Connected Past conference, September 1-2, 2022, Heraklion, Crete Networks in the archaeology of the ancient...
Call for Papers: Network Analysis for Medieval Studies at the International Medieval Congress (2022)
Dear all, This Call for Papers may be of interest to members of the HNR community. More information: CALL FOR PAPERS: IMC LEEDS 2022! DEADLINE: 1 SEPTEMBER 2021 International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, 4-7...
Call for Papers: Graphs and Networks in the Humanities 2022
Dear all, this Call for Papers may be of interest to members of the HNR community: Graphs and Networks in the Humanities 2022 Technologies, Models, Analyses, and Visualizations 6th International Conference, 4 and 5 February 2022, Amsterdam The 6th international...
Reminder: CfA EUSN 2021, Session: Networks and the study of the human past
Dear colleagues, the deadline for abstract submission for the session on „Networks and the study of the human past“ at the next EUSN-Conference has been extended to June 6. The 5th European Conference on Social Network (EUSN 2021) will be held as a hybrid in...
Call for abstracts: EUSN 2021, Session: Networks and the study of the human past
Dear colleagues, please consider to submit an abstract for the session on „Networks and the study of the human past“ at the next EUSN-Conference. The 5th European Conference on Social Network (EUSN 2021) will be held as a hybrid in person/remote event in Naples on...
CfP: Framing Innovation in a Networked World: An Interdisciplinary Workshop, 2-3 September 2021 (deadline: 29 March 2021)
This Call for Papers may be of interest to members of the HNR community. The workshop, to be held in Rotterdam on 2-3 September 2021, will explore from an interdisciplinary perspective how living in an increasingly connected world has changed the way of making and...
Reminder: CfP “Networks and the Study of the Human Past” Networks 2021 conference
Dear all, This is a gentle reminder that the submission deadline for the conference session "Networks and the Study of the Human Past" is fast approaching: 24.1.2021. The session "Networks and the Study of the Human Past" is part of Networks 2021: a joint Sunbelt and...
Extended deadline CfP Historical Networks 2021: 22 January 2021
Dear all, The deadline to submit an abstract for the Historical Networks - Réseaux Historiques - Historische Netzwerke Conference (HNR2021) has been extended to 22 January, 2021 (23:59 CET). Please submit abstracts (detailed info below) via Easychair. To contact the...
Reminder: CfP Historical Networks – Réseaux Historiques – Historische Netzwerke 2021
Dear all, this is a gentle reminder that the submission deadline is fast approaching: 15.1.2021. Please submit abstracts (detailed info below) via: To contact the organisers, please email...
CfP “Networks and the Study of the Human Past” Networks 2021 conference
Dear all, This CfP might be of interest for people on this list. The session "Networks and the Study of the Human Past" is part of Networks 2021: a joint Sunbelt and NetSci Conference. The conference takes place in Washington D.C. on July 6-11, 2021. The organisers...
Call for Papers Historical Networks – Réseaux Historiques – Historische Netzwerke 2021
Call for Papers Historical Networks - Réseaux Historiques - Historische Netzwerke 2021 The Historical Network Research community and the group Réseaux et Histoire (ResHist) are very pleased to announce the call for papers for the Historical Networks - Réseaux...
Cfp: Virtual Forum Jews, Christians, and Muslims as Colleagues and Collaborators in the Abbasid Near East
This CfP might be of interest for people on this list (from Nathan Gibson, LMU Munich). Contributions on network analysis are explicitly welcome! Call for Papers – Virtual Forum Jews, Christians, and Muslims as Colleagues and Collaborators in the Abbasid Near East...