Become a member of HNR!

The Historical Network Research Community has long been a loosely defined constellation. It now seems time to transition to a clearer model: without yet planning to create a full-fledged association, the current coordinators believe that the organization’s board should be elected by the members in the near future. Today, however, there are no HNR members…

Membership system

For the time being, we want to keep things simple, while at the same time having a clear list of people who want to be able to express their opinions on the major decisions to be taken over the next few years, run for the board, etc. From now on, we’ll consider HNR members to be anyone who is registered in HNR Slack

It’s a simple infrastructure that also allows us to create small discussion communities, organize tasks and so on. This doesn’t mean that members have to be permanently logged into Slack, nor that they have to be active there; the main communications will be made directly by email (to the address given when registering for Slack). But with all our communication channels (the site, newsletter, social media, etc.), it’s good that we make it clear that it’s your Slack subscription that means you’ll receive “official” communications from time to time.

People who are already on HNR Slack and who would not like to be considered full members of our community are of course free to leave the platform.

▶︎ Join the HNR Slack now!

Would you like to get even more involved?

We’d like to remind you that we recently launched a call for volunteers!

In its 15th year, HNR is looking for volunteer contributors for fixed term mandates to help ensure that these services to the community can be upheld in the future. If you care about networks and history and like to work both independently and as part of an international team: do get in touch. At this stage, we are looking to fill the following positions:

  • Editor Early Modern History for the Journal of Historical Network Research (JHNR)
  • Review Editor for the Journal of Historical Network Research (JHNR)
  • HNR Communication Coordinator & Outreach
  • HNR Vice coordinator Communication & Outreach
  • HNR Webmaster
  • Coordinator HNR Bibliography
  • Members of the HNR Bibliography Task Force
  • Coordinator HNR Seminar series
  • Vice Coordinator HNR Seminar series
  • Vice Coordinator HNR Conferences and Workshops
  • Members of the JHNR and the HNR Conference Reviewer pool

The deadline for applications is August 1.

Read the full description of these positions here! To apply for any of the HNR-related positions, please email a current CV with an indication of which position is of interest to you to (or use the form at the end of the page to apply to the reviewer pools).

And feel free to reach out to the contact persons listed for each position.

Published by Martin Grandjean
July 5, 2024

Stay tuned

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