Hi all,

on behalf of Martin Stark a reminder for this workshop which will be of interest to some:


Together with colleagues from the social sciences we are organizing a workshop on “Visual Network Research: Using Net-Map and VennMaker” at the next Sunbelt Conference in Brighton (http://sunbelt2015.org), which could be interesting to you. It is a hands-on workshop introducing the haptic Net-Map tool and the software VennMaker within an integrated visual network research agenda. The participants will learn how to conduct a visual network research using these different tools, which are useful particularly in participatory research and oral history. Here are some nice things, historians can do with VennMaker: http://revista-redes.rediris.es/html-vol21/vol21_8e.htm More information on the workshop can be found here: http://insna.org/sunbelt2015/?page_id=303