Hi all,

Geert and Pim have created video tutorials for Nodegoat (http://nodegoat.net/) which you should check out if you do not have done so yet:


Hi Marten,

We recorded a number of video tutorials on nodegoat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLDRNiJrRUc&index=1&list=PLXc6y7l7xxxIwd64QppyAA0G2ECsNGJCxCould you circulate this message via the HNR mailing list?

And maybe also link to this from your programming historian post? Or would it be difficult to update that post?

Geert & Pim

Dear All,

We've created three tutorials that cover basic functionalities of nodegoat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLDRNiJrRUc&index=1&list=PLXc6y7l7xxxIwd64QppyAA0G2ECsNGJCx In coming weeks we will add more videos on various other topics.

If you have any questions, you can ask them on the nodegoat forum: http://historicalnetworkresearch.org/forums/forum/nodegoat-user-forum/

Best wishes,
Pim & Geert